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Raport nr 21/2010

Raporty bieżące

Raporty okresowe

Wykaz akcjonariuszy posiadających co najmniej 5 % liczby głosów na Zwyczajnym Walnym Zgromadzeniu Akcjonariuszy DECORA S.A. w dniu 14 maja 2010r.

The Management Board of DECORA SA with its seat in Środa Wielkopolska on the basis of art. 70 it. 3 of the act of 25 July 2005 on public offer and the conditions to introduce the financial instruments into the organized turnover system and the public companies provides for the public domain the list of the shareholders possessing at least 5% of the number of votes on the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders, which was held on 14 May 2010.

   1.  SANIKU S.A.:
        number of shares: 3.522.067
        number of votes: 3.522.067
        % votes at Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders: 58,003
        % total number of votes: 31,159
    2. Włodzimierz Lesiński :
        number of shares: 2.550.080
        number of votes: 2.550.080
        % votes at Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders: 41,996
        % total number of votes 22,560